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Sostenuto Product Features

Sostenuto provides a wealth of features that enable consultants to model an application and its 'business services' to fit the processes and information flows required by their clients.

Service Manager defines the way the system will behave for each service according to the client’s processes, from the look and feel of the screens to the workflow which controls navigation from one screen to the next, through fields, operations, states, lifecycles and business rules.

Screen Designer allows configuration of screens using drag-and-drop technology to position grids, fields, buttons and controls whether screens are displayed as full screens or pop-up screens.

Screen Workflow Engine provides for the configuration of screen navigation, controlling which screens are presented to users and when. The engine incorporates an Expression Builder to provide conditional logic defining under which circumstances a screen is displayed.

Business Rules Engine enables you to configure your application to respond to event and programme schedules, so field updates, operations and notifications can be performed automatically when a rule is triggered.

Operation Area Format Designer controls how operations are presented to end-users, generating menus and sub-menus that present operations directly or via pop-up windows.

Lifecycle Designer allows you to configure which operations will be performed in different states.

Powerful Association functionality enables the management of relationships between individual services.

Task Assignment Support enables an organisation to distribute tasks to system users with task dependencies if required.

Built-in Expression Builder supports the creation of criteria for filter searches, screen workflow and business rule decision making.

Reports Configurator allows you to specify the location of Crystal Reports, enabling end-users to easily invoke reports from the application you build with Sostenuto. These reports can be displayed in a separate browser window, output to a network printer or exported to a range of widely supported file formats.

Preset Solutions Designer enables you to configure an unlimited number of existing solutions for problems that occur frequently, such as password reset. This means your customer can set these to auto-populate the relevant fields and automatically set the request category and priority level.

Filter Manager defines the fields to be displayed, the sort order and the filter criteria of records presented to end-users.

Security Manager defines field and operational level security as well as functional and access rights for end-users via an easy to use but powerful management tool.

Account Manager administers the creation of new accounts, new groups, amends passwords, controls account access to services and the association of screen workflows to link system navigation to end-user accounts. This enables the varied presentation of menus according to job role, for instance.

User Interface Framework enables the generation of end-user screen features, including a service bar displaying user-accessible services; an operation area displaying useraccessible operations, a left-hand navigation area (LNA) that presents filtered service records in a 'scratch pad' which users can toggle on/off, a content area that presents ordered information, a ticker area to display business-rule generated messages, the logged user-name and current date/time.

Secure SSL Encryption for all transactions and secure transmission of data across the network, ensuring that the data transmitted from the web browser to the web/application server is fully encrypted, if required.

Association Management enables the management of records associated with the current record or field, allowing you to view, modifiy or delete associated information as required.

Definable Access Points allow you to set up different URLs for different users or user communities using very flexible login IDs. Users can log in using the asset or project ID for example, instead of a user ID, providing added flexibility.

Interface Manager supports the integration with third party applications or databases, such as Knowledge Management

   Copyright © 2004, Tata Infotech Limited. All rights reserved. Sostenuto is a registered trademark of Sunrise.