Conversion Solutions are designed to help solve a very real
issue facing organizations today—how to minimize the
costs of XML content conversion.
Conversion Solutions automate the XML conversion process
using a revolutionary approach that allows printable documents
to be quickly and cost-effectively transformed into XML.
And, by allowing manual intervention when required, Exegenix
Conversion Solutions offer a flexible framework to support
your organization’s unique conversion workflow.
Exegenix Conversion Solutions
support diverse workflow requirements
Exegenix Conversion
Solutions can convert into XML any file that can be printed
to PostScript™ or PDF.
People rarely
have problems determining the hierarchical structure of
any document they encounter because they look at a document
as a whole, taking into consideration each object’s
format, position, and context. Exegenix technology does
the same thing – it interprets a document’s
logical structure based on the appearance and relative position
of its components. Using this approach, the ECS can successfully
identify both simple and complex structures for a wide variety
of documents, including legal rulings, textbooks, trade
publications, and software manuals.
The modular
structure of Exegenix technology means that we can offer
a flexible range of solutions to address each individual
organization's XML conversion needs.