Tata Infotech
Tata Infotech
Customer Lifecycle and call center services
BPO & Data Processing
Remote Infrastructure and monitoring services
Case Studies


Remote Infrastructure Monitoring Services (RIMS)

99.9% uptime seems like a great figure. How good is 99.9% really? Lets look at some other 99.9% error-free situations ... 20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions would be written each year, Two planes at Chicago's O'Hare airport would have 'unsafe' landings each day, the list goes on. Tata Infotech's dedicated RIMS division address similar client issues in Information Technology.


  • 24x7 proactive monitoring and troubleshooting
  • Remote management and system administration
  • Web Based network performance reporting

Tata Infotech provides customers all the benefits of having their own Network Operations Center, without having to build an extra one themselves. Our solutions are designed to provide comprehensive coverage for clients' technology infrastructure while maintaining a straightforward 'menu' of service level choices. This approach allows clients to easily evaluate the benefits each service can provide. By keeping our services and pricing structure simple, we can operate with greater efficiencies, allowing us to provide superior service at an affordable cost.