Stamp Paper Vending Sevak
– stamp vending machine from Tata Infotech is a giant
step towards issuing stamp papers in real time, thus avoiding
possible frauds. The machine dispenses a stamp paper of
said amount, securely, on receipt of the required amount.
The machine has the in built feature to count coins and
currency of different denominations through its currency/
coin counter.
- Easy-to-use alphanumeric data entry interface for
gathering and recording vital consumer data
- Interactive transaction response for enhanced user
- Multiple papers / denominations in single pass
- Payment options in currency and coins
- Real time generation of stamp paper, thus avoiding
frauds as no ready to use stamp papers are available
- Electronic signature only after the required value
is paid
- Detailed records of consumer to whom stamp paper
is issued
- Exhaustive and accurate collection tally records
- Electronic authentication mechanism