Tata Infotech is India's most experienced e-Learning
company, providing strategic learning solutions that help enterprises
achieve tangible business results.
Our Learning Solutions can be deployed over the Internet or the
intranet. The solutions assist in identification of training needs
and is done through defining roles and competencies required.
The Competency Management Solution enables organizations to evolve
competency assessment mechanisms leading to identification of
skill gaps.
The next stage of the solution is to identify skill enhancement
programs to bridge the gaps identified by the competency suite.
Tata Infotech Education enables these skill enhancement-training
programs through a huge repository of off-the-shelf CBT's and
e-learning modules sourced from world's leading content provider.
These not only include content but online books as well.
We also customize training content for students/employees and
are aided by simulation, guided tour, simulation assessment and
learning paths for various users. Specialized offerings include
product training, process training, end user training on Enterprise
Software applications.
The competency suite and deployment of learning objects are managed
through robust, highly scalable platform independent Learning
Management System. An administrative tool, which helps organizations
to manage training programs, training content and infrastructure,
deployed across locations.
The depth and breath of our solution offerings is enabled by
strategic alliances with world's leading content and technology
partners. Tata Infotech Education has the necessary experience
and expertise to handle all the above on a turnkey manner thereby
offering End-to-End Solutions to its valued customers.
Tata Infotech today has some of the most prestigious e-learning
Installations ranging from a few hundred employees to well over
10,000 employees spread across the Globe.
More information on the eLearning offerings can be obtained
from http://www.tatainfotecheducation.biz
Service Offerings
- Competency Management Solution
- Learning Management System
- Customized User specific training content
- Assessment features
- Solution implementation, planning and promotion (for employees)
- Integration with existing systems
- Content Development