Tata Infotech
Tata Infotech
Company Information
Board of Directors
Annual Reports
Date of Board Meetings and Financial Results
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Unaudited Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter and nine months ended 31st December 2001



   Quarter Ended 31.12.2001 Quarter Ended 31.12.2000 Nine months ended 31.12.2001 Nine months ended 31.12.2000  
1. Net Sales/Income from operations 103.35 133.94 361.24 376.53 515.20
2. Other Income 1.40 1.73 5.08 4.28 8.42
3. Total Income 104.75 135.67 366.32 380.81 523.62
4. Total Expenditure 102.64 119.40 342.98 347.04 468.78
a)  (Increase)/Decrease in stock in trade (2.04) (1.24) 9.24 (0.18) (4.73)
b)  Consumption of raw materials 20.80 34.32 73.78 92.84 130.22
c)  Staff Cost 29.54 25.97 91.53 79.98 106.52
d)  Overseas Business expenses 24.58 35.06 85.98 101.98 136.86
e)  Other expenditure 29.76 25.29 82.45 72.42 99.91
5. Interest 0.27 0.82 1.02 2.27 3.00
6. Depreciation 3.99 5.26 12.21 13.58 17.70
7. Profit / (Loss) before Tax (2.15) 10.19 10.11 17.92 34.14
8. Provision for Taxation ( Net) (4.35) 1.81 (3.47) 3.97 7.60
9. Net Profit After all Taxes 2.20 8.38 13.58 13.95 26.54
10. Paid-up Equity Share Capital 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.38
11. Reserves excluding revaluation reserves - - - - 157.48
12. Basic & Diluted EPS 1.20 4.56 7.39 7.59 14.44
13. Aggregate of non-promoter's share holding No. of shares 4641737 N.A. 4641737 N.A. N.A.
  % of shareholding 25.25 N.A. 25.25 N.A. N.A.

Segment wise Revenue, Results and Capital employed for the Quarter and Nine months ended 31st December, 2001

  Quarter Ended 31.12.2001 Nine months ended 31.12.2001
1. Segment Revenue

a. System Integration & Services
b. Manufacturing Services
c. Education Services
Net Sales/Income from Operations





2. Segment Results*

a. System Integration & Services
b. Manufacturing Services
c. Education Services
Less : Interest
Less: Unallocable expenditure net of unallocable income
* Total Profit / (Loss) before Tax
* The segment results need to be viewed in the context of unallocable expenditure of Rs. 5.88 crores (gross) and Rs. 18.94 crores (gross) for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2001 respectively, relating to the three segments.

3. Segment Capital Employed

a. System Integration & Services
b. Manufacturing Services
c. Education Services
Total Segment Capital Employed





Notes :

  1. The Company's revenue and profitability were impacted severely in the quarter under review by a greater than anticipated slowdown in its business. This trend is expected to continue for the rest of the financial year. The results of increased marketing efforts in the USA and Europe as well as major cost reduction measures are expected to be reflected in the Company's performance only in the next financial year.

  2. For the nine months ended December 31, 2001, Total Income declined to Rs. 366.32 crores from Rs. 380.81 crores in the previous year and Net Profit declined to Rs. 13.58 crores from Rs. 13.95 crores. In the quarter ended December 31, 2001, Total Income declined to Rs. 104.75 crores from Rs. 135.67 crores in the previous year, and Net Profit declined to Rs. 2.20 crores from Rs. 8.38 crores.

  3. Other expenditure includes provision for bad and doubtful debts of Rs. 5.36 crores (net) for the quarter ended December 31, 2001 (previous year's quarter : Rs. 2.46 crores-net ), and Rs. 11.62 crores (net) for the nine months ended December 31, 2001, (previous year's nine months : Rs. 5.85 crores - net).

  4. In accordance with the new Accounting Standard AS 22 relating to "Accounting for Taxes on Income", the company has recorded deferred tax credits for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2001 amounting to Rs. 1.20 crores and Rs. 3.06 crores respectively. Since this standard has become mandatory from April 1, 2001, figures for the previous period have not been recast.

  5. Provision for taxation for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2001 is net of Rs. 2.10 crores and Rs. 6.30 crores respectively pertaining to overseas tax written back for prior years. The comparable figures for overseas tax written back for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2000 amounted to Rs. 1.56 crores and Rs. 3.67 crores respectively. In view of the decrease in profits, the company has also reversed Rs. 1.30 crores of the provision for overseas tax made for the half-year ended September 30, 2001.

  6. Figures for the previous period have been re-grouped wherever necessary.

  7. The above unaudited results have been taken on record by the Board of Directors at the meeting held on January 24, 2002.

Place : Mumbai
Date : 24th January, 2002

For and on behalf of the Board of Director
Dr. Nirmal Jain
Managing Director
