Tata Infotech
Tata Infotech
Company Information
Board of Directors
Annual Reports
Date of Board Meetings and Financial Results
Shareholding Pattern (Clause 35)
Equity and Reserve History(Last 10 years)
Dividend History (Last 10 years)
Bonus History
Financial Statistics
Other Information
Announcement: Scheme of Amalgamation of Tata Infotech Ltd. with Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Financial Statistics (Rs. Crores)


         Fixed Assets                
  Capital Reserves & Surplus Borrowings Gross Block Depriciation & Amortisation Net block Total Revenue Depriciation & Amortisation Profit after tax Dividend including Tax on dividend Profit after tax to Total Revenue Dividend Rate Earnings per Share in Rs. Net Worth per Share in Rs. 
1995 - 1996  6.13  68.79  3.48 55.79 36.85 18.94 175.71 7.29 20.07 3.68 11% 60% 32.75 122.27
1996 - 1997  6.13  86.35  4.31 68.05 42.61 25.44 212.81 6.05 21.60 4.04 10% 60% 35.26 150.93
1997 - 1998 **  12.25  106.47  19.74 95.60 49.72 45.88 330.58 9.12 34.33 8.09 10% 60% 28.02 96.88
1998 - 1999  12.25  144.16  24.36 115.48 63.40 52.08 401.00 13.84 47.21 9.52 12% 70% 38.53 127.64
1999 - 2000 #  18.38  143.09  12.32 133.17 79.45 53.72 432.31 17.64 12.20 7.14 3% 35% 6.64 87.85
2000 - 2001  18.38  157.48  24.54 148.19 95.42 52.77 523.62 17.70 26.54 12.15 5% 60% 14.44 95.67
2001 - 2002  18.38  172.24  21.18 155.61 110.88 44.73 483.78 16.06 20.50 7.35 4% 40% 11.15 103.70
2002 - 2003  18.38  187.15  9.02 166.66 120.06 46.60 462.06  13.40 30.46 15.55 7% 75% 16.57 111.82
2003 - 2004  18.38  225.89  0.29 163.86  109.54 54.32  597.94 14.69 59.48  20.74  10%  100%  32.36  132.90
2004 - 2005 18.38 270.96 0.17 171.96 121.51 50.45 769.96 11.82 80.24 31.36 10% 150% 43.65 157.41

** Bonus Shares were issued in the ratio of 1:1during financial year 1997 - 1998
# Bonus Shares were issued in the ratio of 1:2 during financial year 1999 - 2000.