
Products and Solutions


Tata Infotech’s HRMS solution, eDotHR helps you manage your Human Capital – from recruitment to retirement – with pure Internet applications. The application enables Employee Self Service (ESS), wherein individual employees view and update their information (such as paid time off) online, instead of filling out forms offline and sending them manually to the HR department. The system is workflow-enabled, where tasks assigned to you (such as Leave Application Approval) arrive as “To-Do” tasks in your “To-Do Box”.

This components based solution consists of Modules that will automate the critical Human Resources operations:

Selection and Hiring

  • Applicant Tracking – From Requisition, Screening to Joining
  • Transfer data to Employee account on Hiring


  • Standard Employee Data
  • Tax Status
  • Personnel Action Notice
  • Employee History


  • Staff Pay and Job Classification
  • Salary


  • Establish and manage multiple Benefit programs
  • Allowances
  • Leave Management
  • Leave Travel Allowance
  • Medical Insurance
  • Retirement Plans

Performance Management

  • Competency Management
  • KRA based
  • 360 degree Appraisal

Succession Planning

  • Select Positions for Succession
  • Candidate Identification
  • Development Plan
    Competency-based, linked to Training
  • Track Progress

  Training & Development

  • Courses
  • New Employee Orientation
    Training Eligibility, Requirements, Attendance, Budget, Location  
  • Linked to Performance

Accounts Interface

  • HR Data Exported in Excel format, ready for use by the Accounts Department

Workflow features

Tasks are generated in the system on specific events (such as Leave Application, Medical Allowance Application submitted by an employee). Tasks can also be generated manually. These tasks are assigned to the concerned employee (such as, Manager, HR Dept.) and appear in the Work-To-Do / Task Box of the employee concerned.

Functionality Specifications

  • Assign multiple tasks to any employee  
  • Multiple users per tasks  
  • Reassign Tasks  
  • Set Status, Priority, Deadline  
  • Set Vacation / Out-of-Office Messages with Auto-reassignment of Tasks  
  • Assign, View and Reassign tasks by User / Task  
  • Complete history on task progress


A user has access to the application portal by supplying his username and password. This helps ensure that only registered users can access your website. However, which areas of the application he has access to is based on the permissions assigned to the user (authorization).

The Security features follow the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) protocol and facilitate Database level Security and Audit Trail

Web Enabled

Users can access the system anytime, anywhere 24 x 7 with only a standard Web Browser (such as, Internet Explorer) and a login name. No application specific software is required on the client machine. This makes the system maintenance friendly.

On-Line Help

The HRMS Books Library contains comprehensive documentation. This serves as your online help.

The eDotHR system is designed for high Performance, is Extensible into other applications and Scalable for enhanced features and bigger employee base. This makes the solution from Tata Infotech technically and functionally geared to meet your growing Human Resources Management needs.
